MPNP Skilled Worker in Manitoba

Manitoba province, like many other provinces in Canada, recognizes foreign workers and international graduates in Manitoba to make a permanent residence visa. The MPNP Skilled Worker in Manitoba pathway is an excellent opportunity for people with a strong connection with the province, necessary skills, education, work experience and above all, intent to live permanently and contribute to the economy and welfare of the province.

Although Manitoba may be a less known and less populated province in Canada, especially if you compare it with Ontario and British Columbia, it has vast potential. Many newcomers have established themselves in the province with promising careers and high living standards. The province also encourages eligible candidates to apply for permanent residence and bolster Manitoba’s economy and community.

Eligibility Requirements for Skilled Workers in Manitoba

To be eligible under the Skilled Workers in Manitoba category of the MPNP, candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Connection to the Province

The foremost requirement is your connection with Manitoba, meaning you must show your ongoing Manitoba employment as your established connection with the province It means you possess a valid work permit in any recognized Manitoba company with a full-time job offer with at least 6 months of working experience as a temporary foreign worker.

2. A Valid Job Offer

The pathway also recognizes applications from foreign students working with a Manitoba employer and possessing a long-term or full-time job offer.

3. Express of Interest (EOI)

The Skilled Worker Program in Manitoba works through an ‘Express of Interest’ system where you must finish questions online and earn a score based on your performance in the questionnaire. There is no limitation on the number of candidates, but a limited number of candidates with the highest scores are invited to apply.

4. Work Permit

You must hold a valid Work Permit or Post-Graduation Work Permit from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

5. Education

There is no minimum education requirement for the Skilled Workers in Manitoba category of the MPNP. However, you must have all the necessary qualifications for your job, including any required training, education, licenses, or certifications.

6. Language

You must have job-ready English; particularly, candidates must demonstrate English or French fluency to perform the duties outlined in their job description.

7. Settlement Plan

You must demonstrate your intention and ability to live, work, and develop your career and family life in Manitoba as a permanent resident in a Settlement Plan.

8. Settlement Funds

You must demonstrate sufficient settlement funds — typically $10,000 CAD for the lead applicant, plus $2,000 CAD for each dependent listed on the application.

Important Note: If you have completed your graduation from a Canadian province other than Manitoba, and apply for MPNP under the Skilled Worker pathway, you must first complete at least one year with a recognized Manitoba employer.

Manitoba Experience Pathway

Skilled Workers in Manitoba encourages foreign nationals who have prior work experience in Manitoba and are currently employed in the province at the time of application. This stream is extremely competitive, accepting only applicants with the most competitive profiles.

The pathway is specially designed for foreign nationals who demonstrate work experience in the province and are working in the province at the time of application.

Employer Direct Recruitment Program

The Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway is designed for candidates who have attended an interview with the MPNP but work outside of Canada. Those candidates who have received a job offer through interviews in Manitoba will be invited to an application to the stream.

Minimum Requirements for Employers

We always mention a recognized employer, which is very important because your employer must fulfil certain criteria to be eligible for a recognized company in Manitoba.

  • The employer must be a registered company under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada.
  • The size of the company does not matter but it must demonstrate a production capability, factory or a permanent business in Manitoba.
  • The company must demonstrate its ability to offer full-time and long-term employment to its employees.
  • The employer must offer a duly signed employment letter on its company’s letterhead, mentioning salary details and other important details.

Expression of Interest and Ranking Based on Score

An EOI is required before you are allowed to get an invitation from the government authority in Manitoba. After you submit your EOI, your score is determined based on your work experience, education, language proficiency, adaptability and some other factors.

Language Proficiency                                                                                                                    125
Age 75
Work Experience 175
Education 125
Adaptability 500
Risk Assessment -200
Total 1000

Language Proficiency Points

Language proficiency Ranking points
First Official Language
CLB 8 or higher 25 per band
CLB 7 22 per band
CLB 6 20 per band
CLB 5 17 per band
CLB 4 12 per band
CLB 3 or lower 0
Second Official Language
CLB 5 or higher (overall) 25

Age Points

Age Ranking points
18 20
19 30
20 40
21 to 45 75
46 40
47 30
48 20
49 10
50 or older 0
Maximum points 75

Work Experience Points

Years of work experience Ranking points
Less than one year 0
One year 40
Two years 50
Three years 60
Four years or more 75
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body 100
Maximum points 175

Education Points

Highest level of completed education Ranking points
Master’s degree or doctorate 125
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each 115
One post-secondary program of three years or more 110
One post-secondary program of two years 100
One-year post-secondary program 70
Trade certificate 70
No formal post-secondary education 0
Maximum points 125

Adaptability & Risk Assessment Points

Adaptability is a factor that helps you to get an invitation quickly. There are a number of factors that are considered from adaptability factors such as:

  • Close relative in Manitoba – 200 points
  • Previous work experience of at least 6 months in the province with a recognized company – 100 points
  • Finished post-secondary education in Manitoba – 100 points
  • Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba – 50 points

The government of Manitoba considers risk factors if you have some deep connections to other parts of Canada. The important part is you must truthfully answer all these questions in your EOI.

  • Close relative in other than Manitoba
  • Work experience in some other province
  • Post-graduation from another province
  • Previous immigration application to some other province

Expression of Interest (EOI) Process

The system involves three steps:

  • Step 1: You first express interest in immigrating to Manitoba by creating an online profile. There are some questions you need to answer before making your profile. Your profile will be assigned a score based on your answers and then it will be placed in the Manitoba EOI pool with other candidates. The maximum score is 1000, and all candidates are ranked according to their ranking points.
  • Step 2: If you are drawn from the EOI pool, you will receive a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA). You will have 60 days to submit a complete application to the government authority in the province of Manitoba.
  • Step 3: Once you get a nomination, you must submit all your paperwork to IRCC to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

How can ELAAR guide you?

ELAAR Consultancy is a licensed immigration consultant with an outstanding track record and a decade of experience in the Canadian immigration sector. We will help you to create an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile.

Once you receive a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA), we will assess all your documents and help you to apply full and accurate application to the MPNP. After you are nominated by the MPNP, we will make your application to the Government of Canada for your permanent residence.

FAQs: Manitoba Skilled Worker in Manitoba

These are some frequently asked questions about the Manitoba Skilled Worker in Manitoba.

Who is eligible for the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Program?

The program is open to individuals who can demonstrate a strong connection to Manitoba through ongoing employment, previous work experience in the province, or an invitation to apply issued by the MPNP.

How long does the application process take?

The processing time varies depending on the complexity of the application, the completeness of the information provided, and the number of applications received.

What is the difference between the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream and the Skilled Worker Overseas Stream?

The Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream is for applicants who are currently working in Manitoba, while the Skilled Worker Overseas Stream is for international skilled worker applicants with skills and qualifications needed in the local labour market.

Can I apply to other Canadian immigration programs while my application to the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Program is being processed?

Yes, you can apply to other immigration programs while your application to the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Program is being processed. However, you should inform the MPNP if you receive another nomination or an invitation to apply from another program.

MPNP Business Investor Stream

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Apply for MPNP Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream

Are you ready to contribute to Manitoba’s thriving economy? Your skills and expertise can help drive the growth of this vibrant province while you enjoy a warm and welcoming community. Apply for Manitoba’s Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream with our licensed Immigration consultants. Act now and make Manitoba your new home!