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Draws held for two consecutive days by the IRCC.

By 16 April 2020November 30th, 2023No Comments

Consecutively for two days the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) came up with two different draws. The first one was on 15th April 2020, where the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held a new program-specific invitation round for those who applied through the Express Entry path. Immediately on the next day, 16thApril 2020, 3,782 invitations of the candidates were approved to candidates who applied through Canadian
Experience Class (CEC).  Provinces and territories (PTs), which control the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) nominates candidates via Express Entry pool along with nominating foreigners to the existing paper-based process.

As PTs have the right to directly access the Express Entry pool via a dedicated gateway, which permits them to view and nominate the candidate in the pool, they do conduct rounds for the same. For the first draw, a total of 118 Invitations to Apply (ITA) were issued by IRCC for permanent residence to the applicants who applied through Express Entry aligned streams of the Provincial Nominee Programs. For this draw, the lowest cut-off score was observed to be 808, which was 110 points higher as compared to the previous PNP specific Express Entry round. 18th March, 2020 at 10:30:55 UTC noted to be the tie-breaking rule for this round.


For the draw which took place on 16thApril 2020, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score was as low as 455 of the applied who applied for this program. This was the fourth draw which exclusively targeted CEC applicants for the Express Entry compared to the past years.

Till 14th April 2020, there were a total of 147, 285 immigrants profiles listed in the pool. As compared to the previous pool, a total of 2,445 less registrations were noted in this pool. This could be because of the outbreak of COVID-19 globally. This highlights the fact that the total number of immigrants who registered for Express Entry path has dropped down for the first time in the last few decades.  Adding all the applications for Express Entry, IRCC issued a total of 26,618 ITAs through the Express Entry in the year 2020.

For this round, a total of 51,005 applicants belonged to the CRS score range of 351-400. While 65 applicants were observed to be in the category of CRS score ranging from 601 to 1200. The distributing of the score may alter depending upon new profiles adding up and old profiles expiring from the list. One must make a note of the fact that if more than one applicant has the lowest score, the cut-off depends on the date and time they presented their application for Express Entry profiles.

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