A Guide to YNP Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program

The Yukon Critical Impact Worker stream provides a speedy immigration pathway for foreign workers who want to settle in Yukon. Here is a step-by-step process for YNP Critical Impact Worker Program.

Canada’s Yukon territory attracts large numbers of foreign workers each year. The region’s economy is full of businesses always seeking additional staff. The Yukon Government has attempted to address labour shortages in the territory by introducing a set of immigration programs under the Yukon Nominee Program. One of these is the Yukon Critical Impact Worker program.

The Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program is similar to the Yukon Skilled Worker Program in that it allows foreign workers with a job offer from a Yukon employer to start working in the territory before receiving permanent residence.

This guide will summarize the different requirements and the application process for the Yukon Critical Impact Worker Category.

What is the Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program?

Yukon’s Critical Impact Worker Program is one of the immigration programs introduced by the Yukon Government. It was created to help local businesses with a need for low-skilled labour fill job vacancies.

Applicants who are successful under this program will get a chance to apply for a work permit along with the permanent residence. Once they have been issued this YNP work permit, they can come to the Yukon and begin working for their employer. After working in the territory for 3 to 6 months, they will become eligible to apply for permanent resident status.

The Yukon might not be the top destination for foreign workers who wish to work in Canada. However, the YNP Critical Impact Worker Program offers a relatively quick and easy immigration pathway for low-skilled workers.

Foreign Worker Requirements

Applicants who intend to work in the Yukon and settle there under the YNP Critical Impact Worker Program should see that they meet each of the following qualifications:

Job Offer

Critical Impact Worker Program applicants should have received a full-time job offer from a Yukon employer. This job offer must be for a job that fits the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER 4 and 5.

Work Experience

Yukon Critical Impact Worker applicants must have a minimum of 6 months of full-time work experience in jobs that are similar to the one they will be performing in Yukon.


YNP Critical Impact Worker applicants should have completed high school. In some cases, they might need additional education qualifications to demonstrate they are qualified to perform the Yukon job they will be working in.

Language Proficiency

YNP Critical Impact Worker applicants must demonstrate fluency in English by scoring a minimum of CLB 4 in an approved language test. This requirement is the same for both NOC TEER 4 and 5 workers.

Yukon Critical Impact Category

Immigrate to Yukon through YNP

Apply for Yukon Critical Impact Category Program with the help of licensed experts.

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Benefits of the Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program

The Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program stands above many other provincial immigration programs due to its easy requirements and quick process. The main benefits of this YNP program are summarized as follows:

  • The YNP Critical Impact Worker applicant needs only six months of work experience in their occupation to be eligible for the program
  • The Yukon Critical Impact Worker applicants only require a high school education to meet this program’s education requirements.
  • The Critical Impact Worker program lets applicants work in the Yukon while their permanent residence application is processed.
YNP Critical Impact Category

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Employer Requirements

Yukon employers who plan to hire low-skilled foreign workers at their business under the YNP must meet the following requirements:

Possess Permanent Residence or Citizenship

The Yukon employer should ensure they are a Canadian citizen or have permanent resident status before attempting to hire the foreign worker.

Business Operation

The Yukon employer must have started their Yukon business and run it for at least one year before attempting to hire foreign workers. The employer must also have held the correct business licenses while operating their business.

Job Offer

The Yukon employer’s job offer must meet the following requirements:

  • Full-time work
  • Non-seasonal work
  • The wage rate must match the industry standards

Proof of Recruitment Efforts

The Yukon Government asks business owners to demonstrate that they could not find any local Canadians to fill the job vacancy. This includes advertising the job on a specific number of platforms for a minimum of four weeks.

Yukon Critical Impact Worker Program: Application Process

The application process for the YNP Critical Impact Worker Program is identical to that of the Skilled Worker program. It is summarized as follows:

  • The YNP Critical Impact Worker applicant and their Yukon employer must complete and submit a permanent residence application.
  • Once the permanent residence application is approved, the Yukon Government will inform the foreign worker they have been issued a permanent residence nomination. They will also provide a support letter to help applicants apply for work permits.
  • The Critical Worker applicant can use the nomination for permanent residence and the support letter to apply for their work permit.
  • Once the applicant’s YNP work permit application has been approved, they can enter Canada and start working for their Yukon employer.

How Can Elaar Immigration Help?

The YNP Critical Impact Worker Program is a great choice for people in low-skilled occupations who want to come to Canada. If you plan to apply for the YNP Critical Impact Worker Category, please contact Elaar Immigration. Our special team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants knows this program’s requirements and can assist you in optimizing your application.

Apply for Yukon Critical Impact Category

Immigrate to Yukon Territory as a skilled worker through Yukon Critical Impact Category Program.