A Guide to YNP Yukon Skilled Worker Program

The YNP Yukon Skilled Worker Program offers an excellent way for skilled workers to settle in Yukon. Here is a step-by-step process for Yukon Immigration.

The Yukon is one of Canada’s lesser-known territories. Bordering Alaska, this Northern region is characterized by gorgeous natural landscapes and a fast-growing economy. Many foreign workers come to this territory to take advantage of the job opportunities and eventually obtain permanent residence.

The Yukon Government has developed a special program called the Yukon Skilled Worker Program to facilitate immigration for qualified foreign skilled workers. This guide will cover the requirements and application process for the Yukon Skilled Worker Category.

What is the Yukon Skilled Worker Program?

The Skilled Worker Program is one of the provincial programs under the Yukon Nominee Program. It was designed to bring in skilled foreign workers to address labour storages in Yukon.

Candidates who are chosen under this immigration program will receive a provincial nomination they can use to apply for permanent residence. They will also get to apply for a work permit that allows them to come to Yukon and work for their employer while their permanent residence is processed.

Foreign Worker Requirements for YNP

Foreign workers who intend to apply under the YNP Yukon Skilled Worker Program must ensure they meet each of the following qualifications:

Job Offer

Skilled Worker Program applicants must have a full-time job offer from a Yukon employer that falls under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3.

Work Experience

Applicants will need to possess a minimum of 12 months of full-time work experience in an occupation related to their future job in Yukon.


YNP applicants must possess a high school diploma at minimum. They may also need higher education credentials to meet the criteria for the NOC of the job they will be working in.

Language Proficiency

Skilled Worker Program applicants working in jobs under NOC TEER 0 or 1 in Yukon must score CLB 6 or higher in a language proficiency test. This language proficiency requirement is CLB 5 or higher for skilled workers in NOC TEER 2 and 3 occupations.

Yukon Nominee Program Skilled Worker Category

Immigrate to Yukon through YNP

Apply for Yukon Skilled Worker Program with the help of licensed experts.

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Benefits of the Yukon Skilled Worker Program

The Yukon Skilled Worker Program is an excellent choice for prospective skilled workers because:

  • The foreign worker needs only one year of work experience to qualify for the position
  • The foreign worker needs only a high school diploma to meet the education requirements
  • The program allows the foreign worker to receive a nomination and apply for permanent residence after they start working in Yukon
YNP Yukon Skilled Worker Program

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Hassle-free Process for YNP Skilled Worker Program handled by licensed experts.

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Employer Requirements

The Yukon employer who intends to hire the foreign worker must meet the following requirements:

Permanent Residence or Citizenship

The Yukon employer must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.

Business Operation

The Yukon employer should have established their business and operated it for a minimum of one year before hiring the foreign worker. They must also possess the appropriate business licenses that allow them to run the business in Yukon.

Job Offer

The Yukon employer’s job offer to the foreign worker must be for a full-time position and pays a wage rate that matches industry standards.

Recruitment Efforts

The Yukon employer must demonstrate that they hired the foreign worker only because they could not find Canadian citizens or permanent residents to fill the job role. They can demonstrate this.

Yukon Skilled Worker Program: Application Process

The application process for the YNP Yukon Skilled Worker Program is summarized below:

  • The foreign worker and their future Yukon employer must complete and submit an application for permanent residence.
  • If the permanent residence application is approved, the foreign worker will receive a permanent residence nomination from the Yukon government and a support letter for a work permit.
  • The foreign worker can then apply for both permanent residence and a work permit.
  • If the YNP work permit application is approved, the foreign worker can come to Yukon and begin working for their employer.

How Can Elaar Immigration Help?

The YNP Skilled Worker Program offers an excellent route for skilled workers to move to Yukon. If you want to apply to this special program, please contact Elaar Immigration. Our skilled team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants understands the requirements and application process for the Yukon Skilled Worker Program and can help you optimize your application.

Apply for Yukon Skilled Worker Program

Immigrate to Yukon Territory as a foreign skilled worker through Yukon Skilled Worker Program.